Who We Are
North American distributor for AMG, BioFlo, Formula, and Stalosan F products. Over 40+ years in the purebred and commercial swine industry. Experience spans farrow to finish operation, show pig industry, and boars stud management.
International Ag Distribution is dedicated to advancing swine reproduction through cutting-edge technologies and expert services. Our team is committed to delivering exceptional solutions that optimize breeding processes, ensuring superior genetic outcomes for swine producers. With a passion for innovation, we strive to set new standards in the industry, driving progress and success for our clients.
A selection of key contributions to our client’s success includes the following:
Increased conception rates.
Increased numbers born.
Reduced feed cost associated with non-productive swine.
Reduced labor cost due to improved breeding efficiencies.
Increased profit for our client.

AMG was the first hydraulic PCAI catheter design setting the industry standard. BioFlo is the new lower cost with the same ease of breeding. For the seasoned technician our guideless PCAI catheter BioPro offers the world’s lowest cost catheter. Clinical data documents more pigs per sow per year and increased conception rates with the BioFlo/BioPro catheter when compared to other cannula-based designs on the market.
Stalosan F is the world’s only drying agent certified to control PRRS and PEDV.
Formula is an excellent semen extender at an affordable price.